Ciutat Romana De Pollentia I Oratori de Santa Anna
One of the most unusual excursions we can offer is the visit to the remains of the Roman city Pollentia, a city founded in year 123 B.C. There are 4 points of interest in this city: the Portella, Forum, the Roman Theatre and the Archeological Museum of Pollentia. We also propose that you go on to Oratori de Santa Anna, a small XIII century Church, this can be done on foot or by bike. The excursion begins by the church. Cross the road to the ruins and immediately in front of us are the remains of a Roman house, the Casa dels Dos Tresors. This house was discovered during the excavations of the Portella in the years 1959 – 61. We leave these remains and take the sports stadium road that leads us three hundred metres further on to l’Oratori de Santa Anna, which is open in the mornings if you want to go in.

We continue the excursion by returning along the way we have taken, and 50 metres from the Oratori, on the right, we come to the old Santa Anna path that crosses what was once the Roman city; a short walk ahead is a bend in the path and on the right is a track that gently slopes down. 5 minutes later we arrive at Cami del Teatre Roma which we follow in the opposite direction to Alcudia. 100 metres farther on there is a track to the right by the side of the Roman Theatre. To go to the musuem, we turn round and go back to Cami del Teatre Roma once again and keep to this until Alcudia. We return to the point of departure and right beside the church, next to the old part of the town there is the Museum (Carrer de Sant Jaume, 30). Some of the things found in the excavations of the city are in the museum.
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